Vaginal Dryness

Symptoms of vaginal dryness may appear for the first time more than 10 years after the last menstrual period or earlier in the perimenopause. Vaginal dryness tends to increase in severity with time since the menopause.

Changes in the vagina microbiome can occur from declining oestrogen levels. This can lead to an increase in vaginal discharge, thrush or bacterial vaginosis, or even an increase in urinary tract infections.

​Vaginal dryness can cause discomfort in daily activities, cause women to experience painful sex, pain using tampons, make wearing certain clothing uncomfortable, and for some women the procedure of having a smear may be very painful. The pain can be all the time or at particular times in a cycle, and these symptoms can occur at any time.

However, vaginal dryness can be treated, and symptoms could improve in 3 months or sooner with appropriate treatment. This can be by using safe and simple vaginal pessaries.

Some women find benefits from using a vaginal moisturiser as well.

What next?

Book an appointment with us at the Hormone Health Clinic and we can provide advice and support on what you may need and what would be suitable for you. We will send you a medical history questionnaire, a symptom survey and then book an up to hour long appointment to discuss all this with you and outline your choices. We can also prescribe you any relevant treatment if needed.