
If you are unhappy with the services you have received from the Minter et Al, we would like to know about it as soon as possible so we can investigate your concerns and explain, apologise and take positive action where necessary. In most circumstances, if you tell us about your concern quickly, we can resolve matters straightaway.

To let us know about something with which you are unhappy please email Lexie Minter.

In the event of the complaint involving alleged abuse or a suspicion that abuse has occurred, the organisation will refer the matter immediately to the Local Safeguarding manager. This information can be accessed using the NHS Safeguarding App.

When making a complaint, you should contact the following by email, outlining all areas of your complaint: 

Lexie Minter – CQC Registered Manager
42 High Street, 

If you are not fully satisfied, you can put your concerns in writing to the above address. 

You should state what has caused you to have concerns and make your points clear. Please document when the relevant events took place and what results you expect from your complaint. 

Complaints should normally be made as soon as possible and within 6 months of the date of the event complained about, or within 6 months of the matter coming to the attention of the complainant. The time limit may be extended by the Independent Health Practitioner where the complainant has good reason for not making a complaint in the time limit (for example, where a complainant has been grieving), and there is a realistic opportunity of conducting a fair and effective investigation into the issues raised. 


The named person at the practice will send you an acknowledgement of your letter within three working days of receipt of the complaint (unless you can be provided with a full response within five days). 

A full response to your complaint will be made within twenty days of receipt of the complaint. If the investigation is still in progress after twenty days a letter will be sent to you explaining the delay and a full response made within five days of reaching a conclusion. In any event a holding letter will be sent every twenty days where an investigation is continuing. 

You will: 

  • have your complaint acknowledged and properly looked into;
  • be kept informed of progress and told the outcome; 
  • be treated fairly, politely and with respect; 
  • be reassured that your care and treatment will not be affected as a result of making a complaint; 
  • be offered the opportunity to discuss the complaint with a complaints manager; and
  • expect appropriate action to be taken following your complaint.

Following your complaint, if you feel your complaint has not been dealt with to a conclusion or you are unhappy with the way the complaint has been dealt with you may contact the: – 

The Independent Sector Complaints Adjudication Service 
70 Fleet Street  

T: 0207 536 6091 

If you are not happy with the way your complaint has been dealt with and would like to take the matter further, you can contact the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (PHSO) which makes final decisions on unresolved complaints. It is an independent service which is free for everyone to use.

To take your complaint to the Ombudsman, visit the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman website or call 0345 015 4033.