Vaginal Health

Women frequently perceive themselves as isolated when experiencing vulval symptoms, often hesitating to discuss these issues with family or friends. However, it is crucial from women to recognise that vulval disorders are widespread, and obtaining a diagnosis is the initial stride towards effectively managing any conditions.

This guidance pertains to individuals experiencing vulval symptoms, including itching, soreness, or burning pain. Proper care of the vulva is crucial for managing various vulval conditions.

  • Key principles to follow include:
  • Avoiding contact with potential irritants.
  • Limiting cleaning to once daily.
  • Refraining from scratching.
  • Keeping the skin well moisturised.
  • Applying topical treatments as prescribed by your healthcare provider.
  • Using appropriate vaginal lubricants during intercourse as recommended.

To avoid irritation:

  • Refrain from using perfumed or soapy products.
  • Avoid feminine wipes or toilet wipes.
  • Opt for loose clothing over tight trousers or jeans.
  • Choose cotton underwear.
    Avoid wearing pyjamas and underwear to bed.
  • When necessary, opt for pantry liners or sanitary towels without chemicals.
  • Seek treatment for urinary incontinence.

It’s important not to over-clean the area, as excessive washing can disrupt the skin’s natural bacterial balance, leading to increased irritation. Instead, a warm bath once daily is recommended.

Resist the urge to scratch, as it can exacerbate soreness and damage the skin. Keep fingernails short and avoid nail varnish. If nighttime scratching is an issue, consider wearing cotton gloves to bed. Alternatively, apply cool moisturizer or ice wrapped in a cloth to alleviate itching.

Regular moisturizing is essential to condition the skin. Apply a moisturizer at least once daily as per your healthcare provider’s recommendation.

Follow your healthcare provider’s instructions regarding the application of topical treatments. Less is often more, and medication will be reviewed at each visit.

For individuals experiencing difficulties with intercourse due to vulval conditions, using a natural water-based lubricant can help. Your healthcare provider can provide further guidance on this matter, particularly regarding arousal and pain management during sex.

Vulval and Vaginal Conditions

Depending on the clinic you attend we may recommend referral to a specialist for further management and examination. Whilst we cannot examine patients on our virtual consultations we can advise you on self examination and help navigate you to NHS or private specialists for further management.